At The Equine Education Center we offer a variety of training options. We are a unique and natural based training facility, a hybrid almost because we come from a performance background but our foundation and development program is rooted in partnership and natural horsemanship. Our goal is to maximize the possibilities for you and your horse. We offer training for foals, first rides, and development and foundation training for all ages. Let us customize a training program for you and your horse. Start putting principles to purpose.

Training Pricing:
Monthly training $700 (not including board)
Conditioning or maintenance rides $50
90 Day Packages available for colt starts

We also offer lessons to help you improve your riding abilities or assist you in figuring out what is actually happening between you and your horse. All lessons are based on a natural horsemanship foundation with a focus on rider communication, biomechanics, and an understanding of how horses think and learn.
Private lessons are $65 a session
Horsemanship course: $50 a session, minimum two sessions a week. This is a ground course only. Max 3 people to a group.
The Equine Education Center offers a couple of boarding options to pair with your training package. Full care stall and Full care hybrid field are available. If you are just looking for a beautiful facility to board at we have a limited number of boarding spaces available.
Full care stall $700
Full care Hybrid field option $550
Hybrid option includes use of a stall for appointments, extreme weather conditions, management discretion for pasture care and Maintance. The horse will be turned out as in field care but when needed either brought in or put in a small paddock to rest the larger fields to help insure good grazing. Hay will be provided as needed when restrictions are in place. Limited number of spots for this option.